16 March 2020

Farewell to Mr. Vittorio Gregotti, a master of International Architecture

Vito Matteo Barozzi, manager of Cobar SpA, joins architect Stefano Boeri, designer of the FAL station in Matera, in grieving the loss of an illustrious master and a pivotal figure of international renown in the world of architecture, building and construction.

Mr. Vittorio Gregotti, internationally renowned urban planner, was one of the pioneers of modern Italian architecture. Among his over 1.500 projects, completed in Italy and abroad, the most notable mentions are: the controversial Zen district (North Expansion Area) realized in Palermo between the late ’60 and early ’70s; the Cultural Center of Belém in Lisbon; the science department of the University of Palermo (where he worked as a professor) and the main building of the University of Calabria; the plan of social housing in Cefalù and the Enea Research Center in Portici.

Further mention is reserved to the social housing areas in Venice, the redevelopment of the Fori Imperiali Archaeological Park in Rome, the transformation of the areas around the Bicocca University, in suburban Milan, and the new residential district in the area of Pujiang, in China.

Corriere.it – Il Sole 24 Ore