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Our employees are our biggest strength. We hire the best talent and ensure their continuous professional development through top-of-the-line training.

If you are interested, you can send your application to

Cobar SpA is currently looking for the following professional figures:

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La risorsa, interfacciandosi con la Direzione e collaborando con il Direttore di Produzione, sarà responsabile delle attività di controllo di gestione, assicurando il controllo dei costi e tempi verificando eventuali scostamenti negativi o errori nelle registrazioni, coordinando le attività di tutti gli uffici coinvolti al fine di rispettare i tempi di consegna della reportistica.

Desired profile

  • Laureato in Ingegneria Gestionale;
  • Necessaria ottima dimestichezza nell’utilizzo del pacchetto Office e in particolare di Excel;
  • Conoscenza di funzioni avanzate di Excel;
  • Dimestichezza nell’architettura di report e dashboard in Excel;
  • Esperienza di almeno 4-5 anni in Area Controllo di Gestione in contesti strutturati;
  • Volontà di inserirsi in un contesto giovane, dinamico ed in forte espansione;
  • Conoscenza quadratura CO.GE/CO.AN;
  • Familiarità con tematiche di budget, consuntivi, scostamenti
  • Esperienza in Sviluppo KPIs, monitoraggio, action plan e misurazione miglioramenti
  • Predisposizione al lavoro in team
  • Rispetto delle scadenze
  • Precisione e organizzazione




The ideal candidate will be able to eseguire

  • Analisi della contabilità generale (verifica della corretta allocazione dei centri di costo);
  • Supporto al controllo del Budget delle commesse;
  • Report analisi costi generali;
  • Redazione di report mensili scostamento commesse tramite B.I.;
  • Predisposizione della reportistica direzionale e gestionale verso il management e gli interlocutori aziendali delle diverse Funzioni e BU;
  • Redazione di analisi delle marginalità sulle commesse;
  • Supporto nella redazione dei SAL su gestionale
  • Registrazione dei SIL di commessa

Salary Package

Da valutare in base all’esperienza maturata dal candidato.



Working hours


Type of employment

contratto a tempo indeterminato


Edilizia Pubblica/ Privata, Restauri e impiantistica

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


La risorsa, interfacciandosi con la Direzione Lavori e collaborando con l’ufficio tecnico, sarà responsabile dell’impostazione delle attività di progettazione e gestione commessa BIM.

Desired profile

  • Diploma/Laurea in Architettura o Ingegneria civile/edile.
  • Master di specializzazione in BIM o corso di approfondimento (premiante)
  • Certificazione ICMQ – Esperto BIM (premiante)

The ideal candidate will be able to Requisiti:

  • Esperienza pregressa nel settore delle costruzioni e impianti almeno 2 anni.
  • Buona capacità di utilizzo nei seguenti programmi:
  1. Revit
  2. Navisworks (premiante)
  3. Dynamo(premiante)
  4. Autocad
  • Conoscenza delle norme in riferimento ai processi informativi delle costruzioni
  • Conoscenza dei criteri di lettura di un capitolato informativo e del piano di gestione informativa
  • Conoscenza e capacità di redazione di As-Built
  • Conoscenza e capacità di gestione commessa 4D e 5D in fase realizzativa

Soft Skills:

  • Capacità di coordinamento e di organizzazione delle attività in collaborazione con i tecnici di cantiere e BIM Manager.
  • Capacità di rapporto con colleghi e il team di lavoro
  • Attitudine e propensione alla crescita professionale.

Salary Package

Da valutare in base all’esperienza maturata dal candidato.


Bari, con disponibilità ad effettuare trasferte

Working hours


Type of employment

contratto a tempo indeterminato


Edilizia Pubblica/ Privata, Restauri e impiantistica

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


La risorsa, dovrà supportare i Project Manager nella gestione e nel controllo della tempistica e dello stato di avanzamento dei progetti, in linea con le procedure contrattuali e dei clienti.

Fornire report settimanali e mensili per i progetti assegnati.

Desired profile

  • Laurea in Ingegneria o Diploma di Geometra, con ottimo curriculum studiorum;
  • Ottima preparazione tecnica e capacità di analisi dei requisiti e di traduzione in specifiche tecniche;
  • Ottime capacità organizzative, decisionali, problem-solving.
  • Candidato rigoroso, serio, pienamente affidabile; responsabile, con spiccate attitudini al lavoro in team e in autonomia e con una forte motivazione e determinazione;
  • Fornire con un lavoro di alta qualità e rispetto delle scadenze;
  • Pensiero analitico critico;
  • Conoscenza dei principali applicativi informatici (MS Project)

The ideal candidate will be able to Il candidato ideale sarà in grado di svolgere le seguenti attività a supporto del Project Manager:

  • Monitoraggio e Reportistica delle attività di realizzazione;
  • Pianificazione ed aggiornamento tempistiche (cronoprogramma);
  • Controllare lo stato d’avanzamento dei lavori secondo i programmi contrattuali in ottica di Project Management;
  • Redazione e verifica curve S e percorsi critici (PERT);
  • Analizzare il progetto e coordinarsi con i progettisti;
  • Predisposizione dei fabbisogni di materiale e manodopera e, coordinamento con l’ufficio acquisti e risorse umane della società;
  • Conoscenza delle tempistiche di esecuzione di ogni singola attività;

Salary Package

Da valutare in base all’esperienza maturata dal candidato.



Working hours


Type of employment

A tempo pieno


Edilizia Pubblica/ Privata, Restauri e impiantistica

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


In un’ ottica di sviluppo e potenziamento aziendale, desideriamo conoscere studenti, neo diplomati, laureandi e neo laureati in ambito tecnico da inserire a supporto delle attività del nostro team.

Offriamo l’opportunità di perfezionare la propria formazione, verificare le proprie attitudini e sviluppare le proprie competenze, all’interno di una realtà consolidata come la Cobar SpA.

Invia il tuo CV ed una lettera motivazionale.

The ideal candidate will be able to

Salary Package


Working hours


Type of employment

A tempo pieno


Edilizia Pubblica/ Privata, Restauri e impiantistica

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


La risorsa, supporterà il Direttore Tecnico di Cantiere nell’impostazione delle attività di cantiere assicurando il controllo delle tempistiche di esecuzione, coordinando le attività di tutte le società coinvolte nel progetto al fine di rispettare i vincoli di progettazione e di sicurezza dell’opera.

Desired profile

  • Laurea in Ingegneria, Architettura o Diploma di Geometra, con ottimo curriculum studiorum; 
  • Ottima preparazione tecnica e capacità di analisi dei requisiti e di traduzione in specifiche tecniche; 
  • Ottima capacità di gestione delle attività operative di cantiere in ambito tecnico (edile, impiantistico, manutentivo e di sicurezza); 
  • Ottima abilità nella progettazione esecutiva cantierabile e AS BUILT 
  • Ottime capacità organizzative, decisionali, problem-solving. 
  • Candidato rigoroso, serio, pienamente affidabile; responsabile, con spiccate attitudini al lavoro in team e in autonomia e con una forte motivazione e determinazione; 
  • Conoscenza dei principali applicativi informatici; 

The ideal candidate will be able to svolgere le seguenti attività a supporto del Project Manager:

  • Coordinamento e verifica della progettazione definitiva e/o esecutiva degli interventi, e/o di varianti degli stessi; 
  • Esecuzione e/o coordinamento dei progetti costruttivi, finalizzati all’esecuzione della lavorazioni in cantiere; 
  • Ricerche di mercato e gestione degli acquisti; 
  • Supervisione alle lavorazioni in cantiere in funzione dei vincoli contrattuali; 
  • Coordinamento delle figure professionali, interne ed esterne all’Impresa, che interverranno nel processo costruttivo durante la realizzazione dei vari interventi; 
  • Intrattenere rapporti con le strutture tecniche del committente ai fini dell’espletamento dell’incarico; 
  • Programmazione e controllo delle attività di cantiere, mediante apposita pianificazione e rilevazione in campo degli eventuali scostamenti; 
  • Verifica e rendicontazione periodica dell’andamento delle lavorazioni e attivazioni di azioni di mitigazioni delle problematiche riscontrate; 
  • Misurazioni in campo delle attività eseguite, anche finalizzate alla contabilità attiva e passiva; 
  • Verifica del rispetto dei vincoli contrattuali (atti amministrativi, tempi, qualità, sicurezza, volumi di produzione, ecc…) 

Salary Package

Da valutare in base all’esperienza maturata dal candidato.


Disponibilità ad effettuare trasferte. 

Working hours


Type of employment

A tempo pieno


Edilizia Pubblica/ Privata, Restauri e impiantistica

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


La risorsa riportando alla Direzione Cantieri, in qualità di progettista CAD settore construction sarà inserita in ufficio tecnico, collaborerà con il Project manager di commessa e avrà il principale obiettivo di realizzare as-built attraverso l'utilizzo di Software CAD.

Desired profile

  • Laurea in Ingegneria o Architettura, con ottimo curriculum studiorum;
  • Ottima preparazione tecnica e capacità di analisi dei requisiti e di traduzione in specifiche tecniche;
  • Conoscenza delle normative sia urbanistiche che tecniche;
  • Ottime capacità organizzative, decisionali, problem-solving.
  • Candidato rigoroso, serio, pienamente affidabile; responsabile, con spiccate attitudini al lavoro in team e in autonomia;
  • Motivazione e determinazione;
  • Conoscenza dei principali applicativi informatici;

The ideal candidate will be able to svolgere le seguenti attività a supporto del Project Manager

  • Individuare le caratteristiche tecniche del progetto;
  • Progettare e sviluppare disegni sulla base di progetti esistenti e nuove commesse;
  • Completare il progetto tecnico nel dettaglio;

Salary Package

Da valutare in base all’esperienza maturata dal candidato.



Disponibilità ad effettuare trasferte.

Working hours


Type of employment

A tempo pieno


Edilizia Pubblica/ Privata, Restauri e impiantistica 

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


La risorsa, rispondendo al Responsabile di Commessa e collaborando con il Direttore di Cantiere, si occuperà della pianificazione della produzione di cantiere, pianificando e monitorando le varie attività di cantiere.

Desired profile

  • Laurea in Ingegneria o Architettura, con ottimo curriculum studiorum;
  • Ottima preparazione tecnica e capacità di analisi dei requisiti e di traduzione in specifiche tecniche;
  • Ottime capacità organizzative, decisionali, problem-solving;
  • Candidato rigoroso, serio, pienamente affidabile; responsabile, con spiccate attitudini al lavoro in team e in autonomia e con una forte motivazione e determinazione;
  • Conoscenza dei principali applicativi informatici (MS Project).

The ideal candidate will be able to svolgere le seguenti attività a supporto del Project Manager

  • Monitoraggio e Reportistica delle attività di realizzazione;
  • Pianificazione ed aggiornamento tempistiche (cronoprogramma);
  • Controllare lo stato d’avanzamento dei lavori secondo i programmi contrattuali in ottica di Project Management;
  • Redazione e verifica curve S e percorsi critici (PERT);
  • Analizzare il progetto e coordinarsi con i progettisti;
  • Predisposizione dei fabbisogni di materiale e manodopera e, coordinamento con l’ufficio acquisti e risorse umane della società;
  • Conoscenza delle tempistiche di esecuzione di ogni singola attività.

Salary Package

Da valutare in base all’esperienza maturata dal candidato.



Disponibilità ad effettuare trasferte.

Working hours


Type of employment

A tempo pieno


Edilizia Pubblica/ Privata, Restauri e impiantistica 

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


The resource will interface with the Construction Management and, in full synergy with the technical department, will be responsible for setting up the design and implementation of mechanical systems (thermal, water, ventilation, air conditioning, exhaust, fire prevention) as well as energy systems for private buildings, ensuring strict respect of deadlines and budget compliance. The resource will also coordinate the activities of all companies involved in the project, in order to comply with all design and safety requirements related to the project.

Desired profile

  • Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Diploma as Mechanical Expert, with an excellent academic curriculum;
  • Excellent technical background and ability to analyze requirements and convert them into technical specifications;
  • Excellent ability to manage site operation activities in all technical areas (plant, maintenance and safety);
  • Expert knowledge of document retrieval, review and evaluation processes, and verification measures;
  • Excellent ability in construction site and AS BUILT executive design;
  • Knowledge of industry law standards (e.g., UNI EN 12464/, CEI 81-10);
  • Excellent organizational, decision-making, problem-solving skills;
  • The ideal candidate will have a strict, serious, fully reliable attitude, a high sense of personal responsibility, with strong teamwork and ownership skills
  • Motivation and determination;
  • Knowledge of major computer software;

The ideal candidate will be able to to perform the following activities in support of the Plant Manager:

  • Design mechanical systems (air conditioning, air purification, water-drainage networks, technical gases, HVAC, cogeneration, etc.) for medium-sized and large buildings;
  • Follow energy efficiency projects;
  • Draft reports on performed tests;
  • Interface with vendors to define and discuss technical specifications;
  • Interface with other divisions involved in the project;
  • Assisting construction management and installers;
  • Other tasks related and expected of the role.

Salary Package

To be evaluated based on candidate’s experience.


We are looking for resources located or available to work in Lazio, Apulia, Abruzzo or Basilicata. Please indicate the preferred area.

Availability to travel.

Working hours


Type of employment



Public/Private Construction, Restoration and Installations

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


The resource, reporting to the Construction Site Management and the Project Manager, is responsible for setting the construction site activities ensuring the control of execution times and compliance with the budget, coordinating the activities of all the companies involved in the project in order to comply with the constraints design and safety of the work

Desired profile

  • Degree in Electronic Engineering or Diploma as Electrotechnical Expert, with an excellent academic curriculum;
  • Excellent technical background and ability to analyze requirements and convert them into technical specifications;
  • Excellent ability to manage site operation activities in all technical areas (plant, maintenance and safety);
  • Expert knowledge of document retrieval, review and evaluation processes, and verification measures;
  • Excellent ability in construction site and AS BUILT executive design;
  • Knowledge of industry law standards (e.g., UNI EN 12464/, CEI 81-10);
  • Excellent organizational, decision-making, problem-solving skills;
  • The ideal candidate will have a strict, serious, fully reliable attitude, a high sense of personal responsibility, with strong teamwork and ownership skills
  • Motivation and determination;
  • Knowledge of major computer software;

The ideal candidate will be able to to perform the following activities in support of the Plant Manager

  • Verification of the systems, carrying out of tests, inspections and validations;;
  • Drafting of technical documentation and validation of requirements and technical specifications with specific software (Autocad, Office, Primus, etc.);
  • Ensure the standards, procedures and fulfilments for quality and certifications;
  • Support in project management;
  • Manage and resolve non-conformities with the utmost promptness and customer care;
  • Other tasks related and expected of the role.

Salary Package

To be evaluated based on candidate’s experience.


We are looking for resources located or available to work in Lazio, Apulia, Abruzzo or Basilicata. Please indicate the preferred area.

Availability to travel.

Working hours


Type of employment



Public/Private Construction, Restoration and Installations

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


The resource, reporting to the Technical Director of the site, will be responsible for organising the site activities, ensuring strict respect of deadlines and budget compliance.

The resource will also coordinate the activities of all companies involved in the project, in order to comply with all design and safety requirements related to the project.

Desired profile

  • Surveyor Diploma with significant construction site experience;
  • Excellent technical background and ability to analyze requirements and convert them into technical specifications;
  • Excellent ability to manage site operation activities in all technical areas (plant, maintenance and safety);
  • Excellent organizational, decision-making, problem-solving skills;
  • The ideal candidate will have a strict, serious, fully reliable attitude, a high sense of personal responsibility, with strong teamwork and ownership skills

The ideal candidate will be able to the following activities in support of the Project Manager:

  • Supervise the activities of employees and any subcontractors;
  • Plan and coordinate resources and employees during site operations;
  • Ensure the quality of services provided by contractors;
  • Supervise progress according to set contract and deadline terms;
  • Oversee site monitoring and site shifts;
  • Coordinate with the Technical Director of the Site;
  • Other tasks related and expected of the role.

Salary Package

To be evaluated based on candidate’s experience.


We are looking for resources located or available to work in Lazio, Apulia, Abruzzo or Basilicata. Please indicate the preferred area.

Availability to travel.

Working hours


Type of employment



Public/Private Construction, Restoration and Installations

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


The resource will report to the Operations Management, and under the direct responsibility of the Site Manager, will be responsible for the specialized use of one (or more) onsite heavy machinery equipment, such as tower cranes, crane trucks, earth moving machines, lifting equipment (forklifts).

Desired profile

  • Training certificate for tower cranes or truck mounted cranes;
  • Proven prior experience operating tower cranes and truck mounted cranes;


  • Training certificate for earth-moving equipment;
  • Proven track record of operating earth-moving equipment;


  • Forklift Training Certificate;
  • Proven track record of operating forklifts;


  • C or C+E License;
  • Proven prior experience driving trucks;
  • The ideal candidate will have a strict, serious, fully reliable attitude, a high sense of personal responsibility, with strong teamwork and ownership skills and strong motivation and determination.

The ideal candidate will be able to perform the following tasks in support of the Site Manager:

  • Coordinate with other operators through signage and radio communications;
  • Verify compliance with safety regulations and measures;
  • Regularly inspect own vehicle and its proper functionality;
  • Load and unload trucks;
  • Move and reposition materials;
  • Handling goods; 
  • Other tasks related and expected of the role.

Salary Package

To be evaluated based on candidate’s experience.


Availability to travel.

Working hours


Type of employment



Public/Private Construction, Restoration and Installations

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


The resource, reporting directly to management, will have to independently coordinate one or multiple small orders. They will be responsible for all phases of implementation (from the design to site closure), managing and coordinating all internal resources and companies involved in the project, in order to ensure precise and efficient performance.

Desired profile

  • Degree in Engineering, Architecture or a Surveyor Diploma with an excellent academic curriculum;
  • Excellent technical background and ability to analyze requirements and convert them into technical specifications;
  • Excellent ability to manage site operation activities in all technical areas (plant, maintenance and safety);
  • Excellent organizational, decision-making, problem-solving skills.
  • The ideal candidate will have a strict, serious, fully reliable attitude, a high sense of personal responsibility, with strong teamwork and ownership skills
  • Knowledge of major computer software;

The ideal candidate will be able to perform the following activities in total ownership:

  • Assess the project and coordinate with designers.
  • Analyze costs and calculate the budget of the order through price analysis;
  • Preparation of materials and construction team, along with coordinating with the company’s purchasing department;
  • Draft SAL and SIL reports with the support of the Site Technician;
  • Supervise progress according to the contractual programs in a project management capacity;
  • Manage and monitor the procedures for the transfer of materials and equipment;
  • Become a point of reference for clients, managers, designers and consultants, including the safety coordinator and construction manager;
  • Maintain communication with the client and local administrations;
  • Other tasks related and expected of the role.

Salary Package

To be evaluated based on candidate’s experience.


We are looking for resources located or available to work in Lazio, Apulia, Abruzzo or Basilicata. Please indicate the preferred area.

Availability to travel.

Working hours


Type of employment



Public/Private Construction, Restoration and Installations

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


The candidate, working with the Head of Design and with Construction Managers, will have to perform all necessary surveys and metric calculations and will collaborate in the drawing up of budgets, accounting and analysis of the orders acquired, in order to find critical issues during the drafting process.

Desired profile

  • Degree in Engineering, Architecture or a Surveyor Diploma with an excellent academic curriculum;
  • Excellent technical background and ability to analyze requirements and convert them into technical specifications;
  • Excellent organizational, decision-making, problem-solving skills;
  • The ideal candidate will have a strict, serious, fully reliable attitude, a high sense of personal responsibility, with strong teamwork and ownership skills, strong motivation and determination;
  • Knowledge of major computer softwar.

The ideal candidate will be able to perform the following activities in support of the Design Manager:

  • Preparation of estimated metric calculations;
  • Preparation of analysis of acquired orders and budget;
  • Consultation of the Chambers of Commerce or DEI price lists;
  • Elaboration of New Prices analyses;
  • Elaboration of comparison tables;
  • Elaboration of general economic frameworks;
  • Drawing up of the measurement booklet;
  • Updating of the account register;
  • Drafting of the progress report;
  • Support to the Construction Manager in the drafting of the final account;
  • Other tasks related and expected of the role.

Salary Package

To be evaluated based on candidate’s experience.


We are looking for resources located or available to work in Lazio, Apulia, Abruzzo or Basilicata. Please indicate the preferred area.

Working hours


Type of employment



Public/Private Construction, Restoration and Installations

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


The resource, reporting to the Construction Managers, will be responsible for setting up all site activities, ensuring strict respect of deadlines and budget compliance. The resource will also coordinate the activities of all companies involved in the project, in order to comply with all design and safety requirements related to the project.

Desired profile

  • Degree in Engineering, Architecture or a Surveyor Diploma with an excellent academic curriculum;
  • Excellent technical background and ability to analyze requirements and convert them into technical specifications;
  • Excellent ability to manage site operation activities in all technical areas (plant, maintenance and safety);
  • Excellent ability in executive design and AS BUILT
  • Excellent organizational, decision-making, problem-solving skills.
  • The ideal candidate will have a strict, serious, fully reliable attitude, a high sense of personal responsibility, with strong teamwork and ownership skills, strong motivation and determination
  • Knowledge of major computer software;

The ideal candidate will be able to the following activities in support of the Project Manager:

  • Supervise the activities of employees and any subcontractors;
  • Plan and coordinate vehicles and team members during site operations;
  • Prepare site accounts, draw up estimates, prepare bills of quantities;
  • Ensure the quality of services provided by contractors;
  • Draft active and passive SAL and SIL reports;
  • Supervise progress according to set contract and deadline terms;
  • Other tasks related and expected of the role.

Salary Package

To be evaluated based on candidate’s experience.


We are looking for resources located or available to work in Lazio, Apulia, Abruzzo or Basilicata. Please indicate the preferred area.

Working hours


Type of employment



Public/Private Construction, Restoration and Installations

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application


The resource will focus on the management of warehouse activities and operations team.

Desired profile

  • Surveyor Diploma, with excellent experience in the field;
  • Excellent organizational, decision-making, problem-solving skills.
  • The ideal candidate will have a strict, serious, fully reliable attitude, a high sense of personal responsibility, with strong teamwork and ownership skills, strong motivation and determination
  • Knowledge of major computer software.

The ideal candidate will be able to the following activities in support of the Warehouse Manager:

  • Oversee and monitor all activities related to storage, distribution and transportation of all items;
  • Manage and oversee, through the company’s digital system, all incoming/outgoing automatic and manual accounting movements;
  • Oversee accurate inventory control;
  • Ensure the receipt and shipment of goods by coordinating with the Logistics Manager;
  • Ensure compliance with internal procedures;
  • Collaborate with other resources and interface with other business divisions;
  • Check the efficiency and functionality of warehouse equipment (e.g. forklifts, operating machines, etc.) in compliance with safety regulations in place. The resource will also interacts with the Assets and Resources Manager for any ordinary or extraordinary maintenance;
  • Other tasks related and expected of the role.

Salary Package

To be evaluated based on candidate’s experience.


We are looking for resources located or available to work in Lazio, Apulia, Abruzzo or Basilicata. Please indicate the preferred area.

Working hours


Type of employment



Public/Private Construction, Restoration and Installations

How to apply

If you are interested, you can send your application