Vito Matteo Barozzi, manager of Cobar SpA, joins architect Stefano Boeri, designer of the FAL station in Matera, in grieving the loss of an illustrious master and a pivotal figure of international renown in the world of architecture, building and construction.
COBAR S.p.A. is among the leading 20 companies in the construction industry, currently active in private construction, and it's the leading construction company in the first place in the Centre-South of Italy. The Company's core business, that has always served as its internal beacon and compass, mostly centres around public and private contracts, and focuses on design, implementation of restoration and conservation works for movable and immovable heritage sites (theatres, churches, shrines, monasteries, historical buildings, etc..): these sites hold exceptional historical and artistic value for Italy, and are protected under cultural and environmental heritage law.
Located in Piazza della Visitazione, a special place that connects the historical town, the city built after the war and modern areas, the new "Matera Centrale" station definitively marks a new important access point to the city of Matera, during the year in the year in which the city has been designated as European Capital of Culture.
Technical experts and professionals from Cobar Spa, along with its manager Mr. Vito Barozzi, visited event for the first time in Bari, at the Nuova Fiera del Levante: particularly appreciated was the excellence of the entire construction supply chain, through paths dedicated to the key issues of innovation, seismic safety, sustainability and digital transformation.
Vito Barozzi, President of Cobar SpA, visited the 2019 Cersaie International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings, stating that it was a wonderful and masterfully organised event, praising it as an exceptional opportunity to evaluate market supply and demand and meet with international buyers. Completely sold out, in terms of occupied surface area and […]